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How to create your own table

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The table is a key feature of the DreamApply system. This article will guide you on how to create new tables, adapt them for various purposes, and export data into Excel or CSV formats. Within the table, you can incorporate all kinds of data related to applicants and applications. What’s more, you have the ability to filter the data using multiple criteria. Find further details below.


To start off, the process of creating a table begins with navigating to “Application” > “Table” and selecting the “New table” button. During the table creation process, the system provides the option to set access permissions for other administrators who will interact with this table. Once the table is established, you can immediately begin adjusting it to align with your requirements. Our recommendation is to initiate customization by focusing on the columns.

By clicking on the wrench icon located beside the column headers, you’ll be able to introduce new columns and eliminate any that are not pertinent. If you wish to incorporate columns containing data related to study courses, course codes, and the applicant’s offer status, among others, simply click on “application:offers” and mark the columns that would enhance your report’s usefulness.

Columns housing general applicant information, such as registration dates, submission dates, applicant and application IDs, fall under the “Metadata” section. The remaining column section seamlessly corresponds to the sections within the application form and replicates their titles. Essentially, administrators can visualize the application form in a tabular format, simplifying the comprehension process.

When administrators are required to generate a report for final scoring purposes, they can include columns from a section labeled “Application: scores.” This section encompasses all available score sheets within the system. If an applicant has been evaluated using a scoring system, the results will be displayed in the table as well. Similarly, for reports involving attachments, administrators can add columns from a section named “Application: Tasks.” This section represents all the tasks and checklists within the DreamApply system. If tasks were employed to request attachments such as diplomas, transcripts, and language certificates, administrators can track document statuses per applicant in the table.

The columns are automatically populated with data from the relevant sections; administrators cannot manually insert values. However, at times, administrators may need to add comments or assign ratings to each applicant. To accommodate this, there is an additional section available in the column list called “My columns.” Here, administrators can create an unlimited number of custom columns and manually input values for each row, including letters and integers.

Upon customizing the columns, the system offers the capability to filter data using various criteria. For instance, administrators can filter the table’s data based on academic semesters, intake periods, citizenship, programs, offer statuses, and more. This allows administrators to narrow down the data in the table for specific purposes. Once the table is prepared for use, a simple click on the export button allows you to download it in Excel or CSV format.