How to add and manage customised section in the appforms?

Purpose of this article

Teaches how to create and add custom sections in the application form.

Before you start

Make sure you have:

  • the correct administrator permissions (“appforms” & “appforms-extras”)

  • knowledge of the existing set of standard Appform questions

  • knowledge of what sections you would like to have in your Appform which are not the part of standard sections.


Create a new section:

  • Log in as an administrator with the permissions “appforms” and “appforms-extras” (included with the Role “Courses administrator” in addition to “Superuser”).

  • From the Main menu, go to > My institution > Appforms.

  • Click on the “Manage appform sections” button.

  • Use the drag and drop function to change the positions of different sections in the appform.

  • Scroll down and click on the “+ new section” to create a new section in the appform.

  • Insert the name for a new section.

  • Choose a type of section between:

    • Section with singular fields - Every appform field in this section is presented only once. This is the default choice for most sections where you need to ask for simple data.

    • Section with multiple repeating blocks - Appform fields are placed in repeating blocks - applicant can create multiple blocks and reorder them. This is useful in sections where applicant is expected to list one or more items of the same type, such as education history, qualifiecations obtained etc.

  • Save your changes by clicking on the “Save changes” button.

  • After creating the new section, you have to add the custom question in that section:

  • From the side menu click on “My instituion” > “Appform”.

  • Open any appform for editing.

  • Scroll down to find the recently created section and click on it.

    • Add the insturction under “Instructions for the applicant”

    • If the recently created section is with multiple repeating blocks then:

      • Determine the range of how many blocks must be added by applicant.
    • By clicking on “+ add a new extra field” add the question in the section.

    • From the dropdown list choose the type of custom question you would like to add:

      • Choose “Text” for a question requiring one line of text.

      • Choose “Paragraph” for a question requiring several lines of text.

      • Choose “Checkboxes” for a question where more than one predetermined choice can be selected by the applicant.

      • Choose “Multiple choice” for a question where only one choice can be chosen.

      • Choose “Number” for a question that can only be answered with a number.

      • Choose “Date” for a question that can only be answered with a date chosen from a calendar.

      • Choose “Country” for a question that can only be answered by choosing a country from a drop-down list of all countries.

      • Choose “Language” for a question that can only be answered by choosing a language from a drop-down list of all languages.

        • Enter the question you would like the applicant to answer.

        • (optional) Enter any additional instructions you would like the applicant to follow.

        • (if either “Checkboxes” or “Multiple choice”) Enter at least choice.

    • After a new Extra field has been created it will need to activate for it to appear on an Appform:

      • Tick the box next to it.

      • (optional) Tick the mandatory box to make it a mandatory question.

Expected outcome of the instruction

You will have a new custom developed section in the application form. It is very useful when the default sections do not cover your requirements. It will help to easily separate custom and default questions from each other.

Related articles

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How to create the Terms?

Next steps

How to assign the AppForm to a programme?

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