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Purpose of this article

This is a further tool on top of scoresheets that help you solve more complex scoring and grading scenarios.

In the simplest case, a criterion represents the score entered into a scoresheet. But you can also combine multiple scoresheets (of the same type) under a single criterion, using various rules to aggregate the results. For example, you can take the highest score of multiple attempts (each attempt is represented in a separate scoresheet), or make an average score entered by several people (each grader has his/her scoresheet).

Before you start

Make sure you have:

  • the Scoring addon enabled (please feel free to contact [email protected] if you would like more information on enabling this addon)

  • the correct administrator permissions (“scorers”)

  • already created at least one Scoresheet

  • knowledge about how existing Scoresheets relate (or do not relate) to each other (Aggregation)

  • at least one Course/Programme

  • Log in as an administrator with the permissions “scorers” (included with the Role “Superuser”).

  • From the Main menu, go to Scoring > Criteria.

  • Click on “+ New criterion.”

  • Enter the following data:

    • Name – Enter a name for future reference.

    • Aggregation - Choose how the connected Scoresheets should relate with each other from the following options:

    • Calculate:

      • the sum of all inputs – This will add the scores of all the selected Scoresheets together and output the sum of the scores.

      • the average of all inputs – This will divide the sum of the selected Scoresheets by the number of Scoresheets to output the average score.

      • Weighted average of all inputs - This takes the weighted average of the scores from all selected scoresheets.

    • Pick:

      • the highest of all inputs – This will find the highest score of the selected Scoresheets and output it.

      • the latest of all inputs – This will find the score of the most recently scored Scoresheet and output it.

      • the first of all inputs – This will find the Scoresheet that was given a score first and output it.

    • Select one or more Scoresheets (and/or criteria) and assign them weights:

      • Tick the boxes beside the Scoresheets that should be included in the Criteria.

      • If some of the Scoresheets should be worth more than others, give them different weights to reflect this. The Scores on the Scoresheets will be multiplied by this number before being considered by the Aggregation rules.

    • Use custom formula:

      • If none of the suggested calculations above align with your specific requirements, and your calculation involves a higher degree of complexity, you have the option to insert a custom formula. With this feature, you can incorporate straightforward arithmetic expressions to evaluate your data, using scoresheets (or other sub-criteria) as variables within the expression. You can employ operators such as +, -, *, or / to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division as needed.
    • Calculation Examples: Here, you can explore how your chosen formula calculates the final grade using the scores provided in various scoresheets.

    • Choose how the Criterion behaves if 1) an application has not been added to a Scoresheet, 2) if the application is on the scoresheet, but has not yet been scored, 3) If the application has been scored, but it didn’t meet the threshold:

      • Hold off the calculation – This will not return a calculated score until all the Scoresheets have been added.

      • Consider the score as zero - This will consider the unadded Scoresheet(s) as having been scored with a zero.

    • Automatically add application to all required scoresheet - By ticking this box, Every submitted application will be added in all the scoresheets specified as inputs for the criteria.

  • Click on “Save changes”.

    • Connect the Criterion to a Course/Programme. In order to use the output of the Criterion, it will need to be conn. For more information click here

      • From the Main menu, go to My institution > Programmes.

      • Locate the target Course/Programme.

      • Click on the wrench and select “Edit details” or click on the Course/Programme’s name.

      • Navigate to the Course/Programme’s “Scoring” section.

      • Click on the wrench.

      • Select a Criterion.

      • Click “Save changes”.

Expected outcome of the instruction

Once the criteria are created and attached to a Course/Programme, you will see the calculated results of the selected Criterion by using the Ranking feature.

Related articles

How to create a new scoresheet?

How to create a new table?

Next steps

What is a ranking?

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